The Town during the 2013 Marvel Superhero Takeover
Hiya! How are you guys enjoying the Marvel Takeover so far? I think it's super great! And if you look at me closley enough, you can see my cast and make-shift crutch. (I got hit with some lava...) The robots that Villians are making come in all sizes and colors, and they all have a different way of destroying Penguintropolis. And keep an eye out for Aunt Artic, becuase I hear she's gonna be on the island! Also, the new fashion page is going to be up soon. I can't wait for that! Gem and I will show you guys a bunch of different fashion ideas, and feature some super cool penguins. The party's off to a great start. What's your guy's faortie part so far! Let me know!
                ~~Waddle On!~~
4/30/2013 02:45:41 am

Just to let you penguin know that if you were having trouble getting your gloves club penguin has fixed that.


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